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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Who or what makes you laugh so hard that milk shoots out of your nose and why? Slapstick, dry witty comedy, your kids, Monty Python? Courtsey of Kassie.

This would be my fifth attempt at writing this. I keep coming up with more and more things that make me laugh. At first, I could really think of was myself. Yeah yeah. It's vain. I'm so funny, but really I am. Ask my sister. But as I was typing I kept coming up with more and more things and people that make me laugh. So, in no particular order...
  • This scene, well montage really, from Starsky & Hutch. The movie is horribly stupid, yet I can't help but watch it when it's on. You should too. Doit. (Just don't tell my sister to doit. She HATES it!)
  • My nieces and nephews. All of them. There are so many things about them, from Carl as "Suit-Bag Boy" to Topher being Topher, to Aedan denying his monkey heritage, that make me giggle.
  • Tommy Boy. More accurately, quoting entire scenes from Tommy Boy with my brother-in-law, Sean. Not only is the movie hilarious, the fact that it slightly annoys my sister when we go on quoting rampages is also quite hilarious.
  • My bosses and coworkers. I don't think I've gone a day without laughing at least once, since I've worked here. Especially at my boss who thinks it is completely hilarious to repeat every idea I spout out in different wording and act like it was his own.
  • Certain movies....in no particular order, that make me lose it every single time I watch them....Knocked Up, Saved,  Home for the Holidays, Forgetting Sarah Marshall....I'm certain there are more, but those are the few that came to mind.
I know there's more things. I'm certain of it, but my sense of humor is hiding this week, so this is all I could come up with. 


  1. Starsky & Hutch is hilarious. Your sister has no idea what she is talking about. ;) Jay and I recite that line (and many others from S&H) all the time. Hell, Jay and I OWN that movie on DVD. :)

  2. I use doit against her when she doesn't want to work out. Usually if I type it enough times to her she heys annoyed and for a to the gym.

  3. Is someone typing on their phone? Your last comment made no sense. And yes, I hate hearing it over and over when I'm trying to avoid going to the gym.
    Also: The Bible is not a weapon, Hilary Faye!
    Best line ever!

  4. "gets annoyed and goes to the gym." Laugh away at auto correct. And I'm just trying to be motivational support for you. Deep down I know you want to go. And yes, it really is the best line ever. That movie is epic.

  5. God, how did I forget Saved, and Sarah Marshall and Home for the Holidays? Now I need to rent them all, all of them! I'm so enjoying your blog, lady. And "baliduck" was my security word for this post, that's funny by itself.
