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Monday, December 3, 2012

Boot Camp Eve

My how 6 months flies by! I can hardly believe it's been that long (okay, yes I can) since I last blogged. I didn't feel like I had much to say...nothing work putting out into the everlasting memory of the internets at least. Life has been pretty mundane. I work. I sleep. I work on the never-ending beast of a house that I live in. I occasionally socialize. Pretty boring. But, now I am about to stir things up a bit. Tomorrow I start boot camp with my friend (at least he still is today) Trainer Jason. I figure what better way to hold myself accountable for my progress than to tell all of my (3, maybe 4 since I now know that Joe reads if I post) readers out there! So tonight I'm going home, I'm feasting on Stroud's for dinner...then...I am going to do something scary....I'm going to take my measurements and post them on my blog tomorrow. I have that much faith in Jason and in myself that those numbers will be a little bit smaller after 3 weeks. I'm also committing to one other change during these three weeks. Since I've given up Diet Coke (yay me!! That was TOUGH!), and feel confident that that is a permanent change, I am now committing to dining in for 18 of the 21 meals each week. Sounds easy, right? Not so. Being a single gal that eats alone almost all of the time, running and grabbing something has just become too easy. So that is change number 2...cutting WAAAAYYYY back on my eating out. So boys and girls, wish me luck! And I don't want to see any jaws dropping when I post those numbers tomorrow morning.

PS-If you haven't already, you should definitely check out Jason's Facebook and Twitter. He's incredibly motivating, always positive, and an all around great guy and friend.

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