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Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1: It'll Find You When You Stop Trying So Hard

If the you of today could go back in time & give advice to any previous you, which age would you visit & what would you tell them? 

If only I'd known then what I know now...I think that just about every time I reflect on my life. So many mistakes made, tantrums thrown, tears shed...but they've all made me the woman I am today. If I hadn't had those lessons to learn from, I imagine I'd be some hollow shell of person who never experienced the pain of heartbreak, the complete and utter pain of depression, the extreme high and excitement of accomplishment, and everything in between. But for today, I'd like to give a little advice to my 4 year old self. To her I'd like to say, "just be patient."

I've been teased my whole life about being boy crazy. I personally attribute it to the fact that I'm a warm & fuzzy person and just have lots of love to give, but that's just me. The "boy craziness" began as far back as I can remember. I was always trying to get attention from my older siblings' guy friends. I still remember my first three "loves." My brother's friend, Dixon, my sister's friend, John, and my biggest crush of all...my brother's friend, and our cousin, Roy. I would do anything Roy said in hopes that he would give me a little more attention. Try a second bite of the super spicy salsa because I must have gotten the only hot bite in the jar the first time? Okay! This was just the first of a lifetime of stupid things I did because I thought it would make some boy love me back.

Well, 4 year old Keri, that wasn't love. It may have felt that way, but it wasn't. You're going to find love one day, and it's going to come when you least expect it. You won't be prepared, and it's not going to be easy, but it is worth the wait. It'll be everything you dreamed of and more. So just be patient little one. You will get what you are trying so hard for. Oh, and don't ever forget that you deserve someone that loves you for who you are, not who they want you to be. Quit trying to be what you think they want you to be. You are perfect just the way you are.


  1. That is one of my favorite all-time pictures of you. Great post!

  2. Amazing things come from places of peace and patience. :) And you're right, love happens when you least expect it...which is often when you are most prepared, whether you realize it or not. :)

  3. "Oh, and don't ever forget that you deserve someone that loves you for who you are, not who they want you to be. Quit trying to be what you think they want you to be."

    I love this. I wish someone had told me this at 15. I wouldn't have listened, but still. Great post to kick of your new blog, lady.
